We play, learn, and create together! Enjoy the story written by our First Graders.


At Cosmos, children get familiar with phonics as early as the age of 3. In the first years they keep practicing through stories, songs and games using the Jolly Phonics method until they become confident in literacy. We raise not only confident, but independent writers, which helps to keep the miraculous fantasy world of children.
First graders were introduced to story writing through the novels of the famous writer, Roald Dahl. He inspired us to write our own tale, so we sat in a circle and started brainstorming.
Step 1: deciding about the settings; everyone shared their ideas such as space, road, school, and many others.
Step 2: what about the characters? We ended up with a never-ending list including Baby Santa, a fox and even zombies.
The ingredients were ready to turn into a soup, I mean story. So, each student chose a setting and some characters, and it was time to imagine, to create and to write. When the young writers were ready, we read and discussed the perfect order. And VOILA! Our first tale was ready!

Enjoy the story written by our First Graders.

P.S.: We love mistakes because we learn from them!

Author: Zsuzsi

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