Sowing rye! Let it sprout and produce a harvest!

Of all the sowing of seeds, perhaps the most ancient and valuable to man is that of cereals. I had never been present, had never been involved in this miracle where you start with a full heart, a bright mind and the right foot. And with gratitude to nature. You take a step and scatter the seeds – right foot, left foot – you sow.

And so to the end – of the row, the field or the seed. Now imagine you are a child again and you have the opportunity to do it. It’s magical, isn’t it? And you understand where the bread begins, how you have to work for it, how winter will wrap your seeds, how the melted snow of spring will soak them, and the tiny green stalks will go up, into the sun.

Today the children of Cosmos International School in the village of Osoitsa sowed rye, as did all their teachers, as well as the principals and parents. The children had fun because learning is always best done through play, but they also learned valuable things about the Way of Bread.

Once this sown field grows and bears fruit, the grains will be gathered, ground, and the children will have the good fortune of eating their own bread, which they started with their own hands.

Bravo and thank you for this great idea! Meaningful, valuable, unique! For everyone.

Author: Anna Nort

1600 900 Cosmos International School