Healthy nutrition project for our children

We are excited to share with you the new project of Cosmos International School aimed at healthy nutrition for our children.
We believe that proper nutrition is a major factor in every child’s health and growth. Even though the construction of our own kitchen with a cafeteria will not be ready for the start of the school year, we are starting the initiative with our own chef and menu, incorporating organic products from local producers. Not only are these products healthier and more natural, but they also support the local community and economy. The owner of the restaurant where the children used to eat is giving us his kitchen and dining space while ours is being built.
From the first week of school, the children were able to enjoy the einkorn bread that they sowed themselves last autumn. The bread was kneaded with great love by Bistra /our chef/ and combined einkorn, rye, and wheat flours to enrich the flavour range. The milk and meat are supplied from the farm above the village of Osoitsa, the potatoes come from the village of Dolno Kamartsi, and the rest of the product from neighbouring villages. If more variety is needed, we will turn to importers.
We plan to build our own vegetable greenhouse, which will be an interesting and enriching experience for children interested in growing vegetables – they will have the opportunity to actively participate in the process.
From October onwards, pupils will have the unique opportunity to create their own menu. During the month of September, we had a number of talks and explorations with them about the principles of healthy and balanced eating.

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